Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Computer Aptitude: Important Computer Inventors

  1. Inventor of Computer– Charles Babbage
  2. First Modern Computer in the World- ENIAC
  3. First Commercial Computer – Univac
  4. First Programmable Digital Computer – SEAC (Standards Eastern Automatic Computer)
  5. ENIAC was developed by – John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert
  6. Inventor of Punch Cards in Computer – Hollerith
  7. First Computer Programming Languages-FORTRAN, LISP and COBOL
  8. Computer Graphics was developed by – William Fetter
  9. ARPANET was developed by – DARPA
  10. First Compiler was developed by – Dr. Grace Murray Hopper
  11. Father of Computer Animations- John Whitney
  12. First movie to use Digital Image Processing- West World in 1973
  13. Computer Mouse was invented by- Douglas Engel Bart
  14. Computer Keyboard was invented by- Christopher Latham Sholes
  15. Laptop Computer was invented by – Adam Osborne
  16. First Graphical Computer Game was invented by- A.S. Douglas
  17. Computer BIOS was invented by – Gary Kildall
  18. Inventor of Computer Bug- Dr. Grace Murray Hopper
  19. Inventors of Computer Chip (IC) – Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce
  20. Father of Computer Hard Disk- Reynold Johnson
  21. Inventor of First Data Base – Dr. Edgar Frank Codd
  22. Inventor of Ethernet Computer Networking- David Boggs, Chuck Thacker and Butler Lampson in Xerox PARC
  23. Inventor of Computer Scanner – Ray Kurzweil
  24. Inventor of Computer Speakers- Abinawan Puracchidas
  25. Inventor of MS-DOS Operating Systems- Microsoft
  26. Inventors of first computer Microprocessors – Faggin , Hoff & Mazor
  27. Inventor of Spacewar computer Game – Steve Russell & MIT
  28. UNIVAC was developed by – John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert
  29. Inventor of Z1 computer- Konrad Zuse
  30. Inventor of ABC computer – John Atanasoff & Clifford Berry

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