Thursday, 24 August 2017

English - Para-jumble practice set from The Hindu Part - 5


Directions (Q.1-5): Study the following sentences carefully and rearrange them into a meaningful paragraph and answer the questions:

A. On Tuesday, this constitutional vision, under siege for much of India’s journey as a democratic republic, 
B. But when all the dust had cleared in Courtroom No. 1, it finally became evident that Chief Justice J.S. Khehar had been able to enlist only one other judge, 
C. On the 4th of November, 1948, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar rose to address the Constituent Assembly, and proudly stated that “the... Constitution has adopted the individual as its unit”.
D. but whole systems of “personal law”, spanning marriage, succession, and so on.

E. came within a whisker of destruction at the hands of the Supreme Court. 
F. out of a Bench of five, to support his novel proposition that the religious freedom under the Indian Constitution protected not just individual faith, 

Q.1 Which of the following will be Third sentence after rearrangement?
     I. D
     II. C
     III. E
     IV. F
     V. A

Q.2 Which of the following will be First sentence after rearrangement?
     I. D
     II. C
     III. B
     IV. F
     V. E

 Which of the following will be Last sentence after rearrangement?
     I. A
     II. B
     III. C
     IV. F
     V. D

Q.4 Which of the following will be Second sentence after rearrangement?
     I. A
     II. B
     III. C
     IV. F
     V. E

Q.5 Which of the following will be fourth sentence after rearrangement?
     I. E
     II. A
     III. D
     IV. B
     V. F
Set - 2

Directions(Q.6-10): Study the following sentences carefully and rearrange them into a meaningful paragraph and answer the questions:

A. has a critical role in addressing the decent jobs deficit that affects the lives of roughly three billion working people. 
B. is to present a report at the 2019 commemoration of the centenary of the International Labour Organisation (ILO). 
C. production processes and rapid technological transformation.
D. The body, which includes two representatives from India, 
E. The Global Commission on the Future of Work, established on Monday, 
F. Experts will build on recent dialogues in over 100 states on the implications for individuals and societies from the changing dynamics of work, 

Q.6 Which of the following will be fifth sentence after rearrangement?
     I. F
     II. B
     III. D
     IV. C
     V. E

Q.7 Which of the following will be Third sentence after rearrangement?
     I. A
     II. E
     III. B
     IV. D
     V. C

 Which of the following will be First sentence after rearrangement?
     I. D
     II. B
     III. E
     IV. C
     V. A

Q.9 Which of the following will be Last sentence after rearrangement?
     I. C
     II. B
     III. D
     IV. F
     V. E

Q.10 Which of the following will be Second sentence after rearrangement?
     I. F
     II. E
     III. C
     IV. A
     V. D

1. III.
2. II.
3. V.
4. I.
5. IV.
6. I.
7. IV.
8. III.
9. I.
10. IV.



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