Saturday, 5 August 2017

General Studies: Question asked in SSC CGL 2017

1. Who is the author of book Sell Out?
2. What is the minimum age of Vice President?
3. Who was the son of Chandragupta Maurya?
4. Which dynasty came after Tuglak Dynasty?
5. Ekuverin Militry exercise is the Joint Exercise between which two countries?
6. Which device is used to measure soin surface tension?
7. Who won the Poly Umrigar Prize three times?
8. What is SI Unit of Force?
9. Which Department is replaced by NITI Ayog?

10. Panna Lal Gosh Plays which instrument?
11. Which part of Computer stores Data Permanently?
12. Lizard, turtle, Snake fall under which category?
13. Which of the following is poor conductor of Electricity?
14. USA largest military Strategic Partner?
15. Wheat is?
16. Question About Supply Demand Curve?
17. Question about Choosing Cations?
18. Sand Stone is type of which Stone?
19. Which of the following does not form Foam?
20. On 9th Nov 2016 at which venue Test match between IND vs NZ played?
21. Question about Reverse Repo Rate?
22. who is grandson of Ashoka?
23. Under which Constitutional Article president had the power to consult supreme court?
24. Resistance of Ideal Ammeter & Ideal Voltmeter.
25. Which of the following does not form smoke?
26. Duncan line passes through?
27. SI unit of work?
28. Who is inventor of Laser Printer?
29. Rusting is process of?
30. Where is temple of Bhairava? – Mumbai, Maharashtra
31. How many members are nominated by president in lok sabha?

32. Least distance required to produce echo ?
33. No. of fundamental rights
34. Where is mariana trench located ?

35. Metal used in galvanization?
36. Who was the first Governor after Independence in India ?
37. Laavani classic dance is related to.
38. Deepest point among all seas ?

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