Monday, 21 August 2017

General Studies: Question asked in SSC CGL 2017 part-2

Q.1 How many times can a person be a President of India? 

Ans. Many Times

Q.2 Hema Malini: beyond the dream Girl book was written by? 
Ans. Ram Kamal Mukherjee

Q.3 What is the process called in which solids converts directly to gases? 
Ans. Sublimation

Q.4 Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel is the leader of which movement? 
Ans. Bardoli Satyagrah

Q.5 Which hockey player is given Padma Shri award in 2017? 
Ans. P. R. Sreejesh

Q.6 Bronze is an alloy made up of? 
Ans. Copper and Tin

Q.7 Which is the largest gland in the human body? 
Ans. Liver

Q.8 Which of the following has the maximum difference in temperature in Day‐ 
Ans. Night? Desert

Q.9 Theory of relativity is given by? 
Ans. Albert Einstein

Q.10 Judicial Review has beentaken from which country? 
Ans. USA

Q.11 Dulari Kanya scheme launched in which state? 
Ans. Arunachal Pradesh

Q.12 The right portion of the heart receives what kind of blood(pure/impure/mixed/none)? 
Ans. Impure

Q.13 SAARC summit 2016 was postponed, where was it to be held? 
Ans. Pakistan

Q.14 Rail link was laid from China on 10th April 2017 which country? 
Ans. UK

Q.15 Night blindness caused due to deficiency of? 
Ans. Vitamin A

Q.16 Who killed Lord Saunders? 
Ans. Bhagat Singh and Rajguru

Q.17 What do I mean in MICR? 
Ans. Ink

Q.18 Study of Tumor is Called? 
Ans. Oncology

Q.19 The indifference curve is related to? 
Ans. Two goods that gives equal satisfaction and utility

Q.20 Hydraulic Lift works on which principle? 
Ans. Pascal's Law

Q.21 Lichen and mosses are found in which region? 
Ans. Tundra

Q.22 At what temp. Celsius and Fahrenheit are same? 
Ans. ‐40 Degrees
Q.23 Fly ashes are formed in which of these? 
Ans. Coal Power Plant

Q.24 "Quensburry Rule" is related to which sport? 
Ans. Boxing

Q.25 Which is the first Super computer in the world? 
Ans. Atlas

Q.26 Where will be BRICS 2017 will be held? 
Ans. Xiamen, China

Q.27 Chemical Formula of Quick Lime? 
Ans. CAO

Q.28 What is SI unit of power? 
Ans. Watt

Q.29 Who is the author of book "The Windfall"? 
Ans. Diksha Basu

Q.30 Which article is the heart and soul of Indian Constitution ? 
Ans. Article 32

Q.31 Edward Jenner invented which vaccine? 
Ans. Small Pox

Q.32 After which act East IndiaCompany lost commercial monopoly of trading? 
Ans. Charter Act 1813

Q.33 Ginger is a Stem or Root? 
Ans. Stem

Q.34 The rolling plan came after which 5‐year plan? 
Ans. Fifth Plan (74‐78)

Q.35 Serena Williams defeated her sister to win which Grand Slam? 
Ans. Grand Slam 23 (Australia Open 2017)

Q.36 Filmfare lifetime achievement award 2017 is given to ? 
Ans. Shatrughan Sinha

Q.37 Who launched Chipko movement ? 
Ans. Sunderlal Bahuguna

Q.38 Which of these is not a Coal? 
Ans. Signite

Q.39 One match the following Question on green, white & pink revolution.

Q.40 David Warner is a cricket player of which country? 
Ans. Australia

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